
A free social media image sharing utility built on Web3 decentralized storage

Share share share with much web3 frens! Datapult is free and lets you share images on social media and is backed by IPFS and the Filecoin network. Drop an image in the box to try it out!

upload icon

Drag 'n' drop an image here

or click/tap here to select a file

Max size 10MB.

How It works


Choose the image you want to share from your photo library or media files.


Your file gets packaged, processed, and catapulted to the distributed web where it can be seen by all and stored for all time.


Publish your tweet with your custom datapult link and your followers will see you use web3 to share your media

iOS Private Beta

Interested in trying the iOS app? Sign up to get notified when spots open up in our private beta.

Android App Launch

Want to see Datapult on Android? Sign-up here and we'll let you know when it's ready.


Datapult is a service that was created by TeamZero in the R&D group at ConsensysMesh. We felt that there needed to be an easy way for people to share files and use all the amazing power of decentralized file storage systems (such as IPFS, Filecoin, Arewave, Storj, etc...)

⚡️ This is experimental software. Use at your own risk! ⚡️

Also, thanks 🙏 for trying it out. Send us your feedback! 📢
© 2022, Built by Team Zero
